General Information
Edinburgh Young Carers Information Leaflet
A perfect introduction to the charity, our work and aims. Use this leaflet to speak to families and young people about their rights and making a referral.
Edinburgh Young Carers: a Guide for Parents and Families
This leaflet is designed to support conversations with parents about joining the charity. Use this to guide the conversation, answer questions and respond to worries and concerns.
Child Protection
Edinburgh Young Carers puts child protection at the forefront of all our activities.
Click here for our Child Protection Policy and Procedures.
Children’s Rights
The rights and wellbeing of the young people we work with are paramount in everything we do. We respect, consider and promote children’s human rights in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.
Our Children’s Rights & Wellbeing Impact Assessment is reviewed yearly and can be accessed here.
A useful 20-minute Children’s Rights Introduction training tool that all our staff undertake, and for anyone who wants or needs to better understand children’s rights, can be found at the website.
Visit Unicef for more information on the UNCRC: Children’s Rights.
If you are in any way unhappy about any element of the service we provide, and would like to make a complaint, it is easy to do so.
Please click here for a for a quick-view of the Complaints Process flowchart
More detailed information can be found in our full Complaints Policy
EYC Annual Accounts
Click here to view our latest audited accounts.
Research and Reports
‘Ask Me – I’m Here Too’
Edinburgh Young Carers is pleased to launch our report Ask Me – I’m Here Too this Carers Week. This is a research and evaluation project into the lived experiences of young carers who are providing care for siblings with a long-term illness or disability. The findings in this report highlight the need for more understanding, awareness and support of sibling young carers and the caring experiences they have. Edinburgh Young Carers calls for eight recommendations across education, health and social care to support the needs of sibling young carers.
Supportive Materials For Schools
Toolkit for Schools
Your guide to identifying, supporting and working with
young carers and their families
The toolkit is a guide to everything young carers! It is suitable for any professional, in a school who works with children and is a fully interactive resource. Please do not read the document from cover to cover; it is designed to be broken down into smaller chunks, and the arrows at the bottom allow you to move backwards and forwards and jump to individual sections! Also, many hidden documents within the toolkit link through to further reading and more information. Please upload this onto your shared drive for all to read!
Young people are at the heart of the toolkit, and we have incorporated their voices and views throughout. We have included new elements such as substance misuse, sibling young carers, inappropriate caring roles, Young Carers Statements and a bank of books and recourses to help with your practice!
A huge thank you to the Carers Trust Scotland, Niddrie Mill Primary School, St Augustine’s RC High School and Professor Saul Becker for your consultative time and also our amazing graphic designer who worked tirelessly to create such an amazing document.
Supporting Young Carers in School: Good Practice Guidelines
The guidelines have been created in collaboration with professionals from the City of Edinburgh Council and an amazing group of very enthusiastic young carers. Their education experiences shaped the guidelines, and we have included all of their feedback. We hope that you find the guidance helpful and the quotes impactful to help you develop long-term, sustainable approaches to supporting young carers in your school.
What Is A Young Carers Statement?
All young carers are entitled to ask for a Young Carers Statement. This leaflet for professionals and children is designed to answer questions about the statement, the benefits, what is included and the child’s rights around the statement.
Young Carer Lesson Plans: Primary
Linked to the Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes these lessons aim to introduce the theme of caring, create a ‘recipe for caring’ and the different reasons that people might need cared for, and the people who might need cared for.
Young Carer Lesson Plans: High Schools
Linked to the Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes, the aim of the lessons is to describe some of the roles and responsibilities of young carers, including emotional and practical responsibilities and to empower young people to understand how they can access help and support