Who are we?
Edinburgh Young Carers (EYC) is a Company Limited by Guarantee (Registered in Scotland No. 212971) and is recognised as a Charity in Scotland; Scottish Charity No. SC026270.
We were established in 1994 as a community development project in North East Edinburgh and with support from the local authority and National Lottery Charities Board, expanded in 1996 to provide support to young carers from across Edinburgh. It became incorporated as a Not for Profit, Company Limited by Guarantee in 2000.
It is managed by a voluntary Board of Directors and employs a Chief Executive, thirteen members of staff, a pool of sessional workers and volunteers. Read all about our staff team and board members.
Edinburgh Young Carers is one of the most well established and largest organisations in Scotland dedicated to working with and supporting young carers.
We are dedicated to improving the lives of young carers throughout Edinburgh.