‘Ask Me – I’m Here Too’ – Siblings Research

Edinburgh Young Carers is pleased to launch our report Ask Me – I’m Here Too this Carers Week.  This is a research and evaluation project into the lived experiences of young carers who are providing care for siblings with a long-term illness or disability.  The findings in this report highlight the need for more understanding, awareness and support of sibling young carers and the caring experiences they have.  Edinburgh Young Carers calls for eight recommendations across education, health and social care to support the needs of sibling young carers.

With grateful thanks to the sibling young carers, families and professionals who worked alongside us on this project, and The Listening Fund Scotland for providing the funding to listen to their voices.    

Read the full report here: https://www.youngcarers.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Ask-Me-Im-Here-Too.pdf