A Year in the Life – EYC Impact Report

Every year, EYC takes a look at what we have done over the past year to support Young Carers and what impact this has had. What we do is strongly informed by what our young people tell us they would like from our service, as well as the needs we see arising as a team. We review the aims we set for ourselves, whether we met those aims, where we did well and where we could improve, and bring this all together in a reader-friendly report.

Read on for a summary from our Chief Executive, and click on the link below to see the full report.

EYC Impact Report – 2022-2023

A word from our Chief Exec, Margaret Murphy

“I am delighted to present Edinburgh Young Carers’ Impact Report, which will highlight some of the fantastic work carried out during 2022-2023.

This report is all about impact and as an Organisation, one of our top priorities is to consider the questions: ‘What difference are we making for Young Carers and Young Adult Carers?’ and ‘How will we know?’. We consulted with our carers, families and other stakeholders and 100% of Young Carers and Young Adult Carers told us that we have helped them to become more confident, with 96% saying we helped them feel better at school/college/work and 91% saying we helped them cope better with their caring role. These are fantastic results, sitting at the heart of what our organisation is all about, and they are a testament to the hard work our staff and volunteers give all year round.

This year we supported 408 young and young adult carers, we delivered 450 group activities and carried out 957 one to one support sessions. These numbers continue to reflect the importance of specialist provision for Young and Young Adult Carer support and we continue to be as impactful as possible against the backdrop of increasing need.

The report also highlights some amazing achievements over the last year such as hosting our first Young Carers in Education (YCIE) Conference, in collaboration with our partners at SPACE at Broomhouse Hub and Capital Carers. The conference brought together Young Carer Coordinators with other professionals, experts and young people to share best practice, network and discover new ideas for supporting young carers in school.  You can find out more in this report.

I hope you enjoy reading the report, and please feel free to share.”

~ Margaret Murphy, EYC Chief Executive, June 2023

EYC Impact Report – 2022-2023