News Archive 2011

EYCP Christmas Card Competition 2011

12 December 2011

These are the winners of our Christmas Card competition, Well Done!:

Christmas Elf gives EYCP a helping hand!

1 December 2011

Many thanks to Joyce Faichney who kindly donated 40 selection boxes to be given out at our Young Carers Christmas Party.

Merry Christmas to you!

Edinburgh Young Carers Project Open Day 2012

14 November 2011

Tuesday, 14 February 2012 · 10:30 – 16:00

Location The Boys' Brigade Edinburgh HQ
Pollock Pavilion, 227 Ferry Road
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

More info More details closer to the time. It will be a mix of workshops, information, fun activities and a consultation regarding the future direction of EYCP's Forum.

The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn

10 November 2011

The recent cinema visit for the youngest groups (5-9) in the project was a great success if the kids’ lack of chatter during the film is anything to go by.

The film is packed with scene after scene of action packed excitement, made all the more thrilling by the 3D effect.

Their comments include ‘fantastic’, ‘can’t wait till Tintin 2 comes out’, ‘ I fell sick with that sailing!’ and ‘Great, I really enjoyed it’.

So roll on the next ‘Herge’s Adventures of Tintin’.

Celebrity Wish List

31 October 2011

Remember to watch Celebrity Wish List – tonight 7:30pm Channel 5. (They filmed McFly at the Scottish Young Carers Festival)

EYCP Trip to Inchcolm Island 2011

27 October 2011

A lovely day was had by all on EYCP October break trip.

Draft EADP Commissioning Plan: Commissioning for Recovery 2011-2014

12 October 2011

The Way Forward for Drug & Alcohol Recovery
Does some else’s drinking or drug use impact on your life? Do you have an idea that could make alcohol and drug services better for someone you care for?

Edinburgh Alcohol and Drug Partnership (EADP) is asking people in the city for their views on its draft commissioning plan: Commissioning for Recovery 2011-2014.

This draft plan sets out how EADP intends to commission services that will see more people achieve a sustained recovery from problem alcohol and drug use. It outlines the partnership’s priorities and the outcomes it is seeking to achieve through the services it commissions.

The partnership wants to hear the views of friends, family members or carers who are affected by someone else's alcohol and/or drug use.
Information on the draft plan is available on the EADP website, including the full version of the draft plan and a summary.  

Response can be made by:
• completing the online survey
• send your views by email or by post to the address below:

Level 1/7
Waverley Court

Your view is important so please take the time to share your thoughts on how services for people with alcohol and drug problems in the capital are commissioned. The consultation will run until the 21st October 2011.

EYCP Painting

10 October 2011

A friend of EYCP has painted this for the project.

It is a picture of the bothy on Ulva near Mull.

Hutton Shoe Repair

20 September 2011

Thanks to Hutton Shoe repair who have fixed lots of our hiking boots for free!!!

Shoe Repairs – Edinburgh, Scotland | Huttons Shoe Repair Service

Huttons Shoe Repair Service offer shoe repairs, key cutting service, bag repairs and watch battery replacement. Replacement zips on boots. Call on 0131 661 6164

Scottish Young Carers Festival 2011

29 August 2011

EYCP were at the fantastic Scottish Young Carers Festival at the weekend. There was a lot brilliant activities and workshops going on all day. McFly stopped by to perform an acoustic set for the hundreds of young carers in attendance (I'm sure a few of the workers enjoyed it as well!!)

The Y.C zone and consultation areas were well used and hopefully some progress can be made in the lives of thousands of young carers in the future.

More photos will be on our facebook page

Raise Funds For Free!

19 August 2011

Did you know you don't have to spend anything to raise funds for Edinburgh Young Carers Project with easyfundraising? The FREE FUNDS page lets you raise OVER £250 for us without spending a penny! The featured retailers will make free donations just for switching to their service, participating in free trials or even simply registering on their site!

For example, eBay offer a £4.50 donation when you register and place just one bid (it doesn't even have to be a wining bid!), while The National Lottery will pay us £2 just for registering on their site and playing Lotto online for the first time!

LOVEFiLM offer a £5 donation when you sign up for a 14 day free trial of their dvd rental service.

Please log on to and click on the FREE FUNDS page for more details.


Tiso Gifts

18 August 2011

Thank you to Tiso for the generous gifts to our young people.
Photos to follow after our residentials.

EYCP Annual Report 2011

21 July 2011

Music Group Gig

19 July 2011

Edinburgh Young Carers Project held their second Gig at Tynecastle in partnership with Big Hearts music project on the 16th of June.
The two young carer’s bands were joined by Joe from up and coming Edinburgh band “Lost in Audio”. They played a set each and a few young carers played along with Joe on his opening song.

Well done and Thank you to everyone involved.

Southampton Young Carers Festival 2011

19 July 2011

8 teenagers from Edinburgh Young Carers project made the trip to Southampton from the 24th to the 26th of June for the 12th annual Young Carers Festival. They were the only people representing Scotland and took part in a variety of activities including Kayaking, cake decorating and Team challenges.

The idea behind the festival is to raise awareness of issues faced by Young carers.


EYCP 2011 Hoodies

7 July 2011

Young people within EYCP have designed a hoodie. Click for PDf

Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI)

29 June 2011

Working in small teams, pupils identify and research grassroots organizations which are tackling the issues that they care most about. The pupils visit their chosen local charity and prepare presentations on why that charity is most worthy of support. The group judged to have made the best presentation in each school is granted £3,000 to award to their charity.

Edinburgh Young Carers were selected by a team from St George's School for Girls, who produced a stunning presentation and were awarded the money.