Category: News

Book your ticket for the first Young Carers in Education Conference (#YCIE2023)

Book your ticket for the first Young Carers in Education Conference (#YCIE2023) Book your ticket for the first Young Carers in Education Conference YCIE2023

Book your ticket  Research about and with young carers shows that they do better when they feel supported. Being supported means being seen, heard, and understood. Being supported means being found in the first place. Here in Edinburgh, Space, Capital Carers, and Edinburgh Young Carers have been working together on an exciting schools project. You […]

EYC is hiring!

EYC is hiring!

We have two exciting brand new roles to fill starting in April – spread the word! We are very excited to be advertising two brand new posts at EYC: Young Carers Information and Advice Officer Young Carers Group Development Worker Both roles are full time at 35 hours per week and are 1 year temporary […]

Access to Lateral Flow Tests

If you are an unpaid carer, you can still access free Lateral Flow Tests (LFTs). From 18th April, you can order test kits in the usual way online by clicking this link: Or, if unable to order online, call 119 and tell them that you’re an unpaid carer who lives in Scotland.

Emergency Support over Christmas

EYC will be closed over Christmas and New Year, but you can still access support. EYC are taking a little break over the festive period to recharge our batteries, ready to come back and deliver a great service full of zest and ideas in 2022. We will be closed from 24th December and back in […]

Congratulations, Edinburgh Academy!

Edinburgh Young Carers are thrilled to announce that The Edinburgh Academy is the first school to gain the We Recognise, and We Develop We Care; Schools for Young Carers Award. By progressing to the We Develop stage, the Edinburgh Academy has demonstrated that they have built a solid whole-school approach to identifying and supporting young […]